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Zechsal Detox contains top-quality sodium bicarbonate which is full of antiseptic properties and a great alkalizing agent. Guaranteed free of aluminum and 100% natural.

Zechsal - Detox 1kg

    • Deacidifying the body
    • Drains waste substances from the body
    • Supports the immune system
    • Treats gout and other joint problems
    • An amazing exfoliator for the skin
    • Treats acne
  • Forms a great combination with a Zechsal foot spa or bath. When used together, Zechsal bicarbonate of soda and Zechsal magnesium complement each other. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) forms a basic buffer in our blood. It keeps our blood slightly alkali (pH 7.36) by neutralizing acidic wastes.

    Add 20gr of Zechsal detox into your foot spa or dissolve 100gr for a normal bath. Ideal to mix with Zechsal pure magnesium flakes. First ad the magnesium flakes and then the detox. To prevent bubbles and a diminishing effect. Zechsal Detox can also be taken orally: dissolve 1.5g in water. Drink on an empty stomach or just before mealtimes.

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*Price Includes VAT

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