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Nerve Health Supplement to support the functions of the nerves and the psyche.


Supporting the nerves in order to maintain one's inner balance and stress resistance.


NeuroSagena® B-Complex | Premium Vitamin B Complex

    • High-quality high-dose preparation in modern formulation
    • Contains all the vitamins of the B-complex in a coordinated, high dosage.
    • With the activated forms of vitamin B2, B6 and folic acid as 5MTHF glucosamine - especially important for people whose bodies can only activate folic acid to a limited extent.
    • With vitamin B12 as MHA-formula - with all 3 naturally occurring forms of the vitamin.
    •  The vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 as well as niacin and biotin support the maintenance of the normal function of the nervous system.
    •  The contained vitamins B1, B6, B12 as well as folic acid, niacin and biotin contribute to the normal mental function.
    • The B vitamin panthothenic acid plays a role in the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters and supports normal mental performance.
    • Supplemented with natural phosphatidylserine from sunflower lecithin.

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*Price Includes VAT

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